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The Children's Classic Series at Off-Broadstreeet has been entertaining children for more than 30 years! Designed especially for young children, ages 21/2 to 7 years old, these are familiar stories and fairy tales played out by adult actors. Each production is tailored to the audience so that they feel free to participate in the zaniness adding sounds to the "Deep Dark Forest" and enlivening the frequent "VERY SUDDEN THUNDERSTORMS!". In addition their participation in songs and games led by the characters keep them involved and entertained. Performances are generally Friday and Saturday mornings.  Please call (609) 466-2766 for times and ticket availability.









Shows at 10:00 weekdays* & 10:30 on Saturday

Group rates are available for parties of 10 or more

For Reservations Call

(609) 466-2766

Reservations cannot be made on-line